Our artwork

We are incredibly grateful to have worked with some fantastic local artists to bring PEF's vision and ethos into visible life. Thank you.

Our artwork aims to focus on the nature, wildlife and people of Prestwich.

Meet the artists...

Hazel is a local window artist who is well known for her wonderful, colourful and joyful artwork over many shopfronts in Prestwich and beyond. She does window/wall art, chalkboards, murals and & wedding signage. We love her happy and uplifting style which breathes life into the community so we've been chuffed to get the chance to work with her...

🔽See the wonderful work Hazel's produced for us

Rob is a local photographer living in Prestwich. He is a retired physio, and amongst other hobbies, he captures candid images locally and in Manchester, looking at humanistic & abstract humour themes. Rob says:

"Photography helps you see more and appreciate your surroundings - human, built, natural and interconnections between them."

🔽See the images Rob has captured for us