Prestwich Village Regeneration

Since our members told us the regeneration was important to them, we've been engaging with the project in a number of ways, to ensure that the environment is at the heart of our village.

Our priorities for our village

In January 2023, the Prestwich Village Regeneration launched its first round of public consultation. 87 of our members responded to our survey, telling us what was important to them from an environmental perspective.

Alongside a number of local environmental organisations and experts, we analysed the results, grouped them into themes and developed Our Priorities for Our Village...

Built in a way that minimises impact on climate & environment

Measuring & reporting.
Built to high environmental standards.
Allocation of resources and funds.
Considerate building.

Built to protect the community against climate & environmental changes into the future

Green spaces.
Air quality.
Drainage & water management.
Health & activity.

Building a community that supports all to adapt to new ways of living for a changing world

Sustainable travel.

Overarching observations

Community ownership & accessibility for all.
Adaptability of the space, facilities & amenities to meet community needs over time.
Phasing the delivery of the regeneration.

Read our report

You can read our full report, which we submitted to the developers as part of the public consultation.

During this consultation, we also attended a number of community engagement events as individuals, residents and on behalf of Prestwich Environmental Forum.

Second public consultation

The second phase of the public consultation took place in October 2023.

We analysed the updated plans that had been released and scored this against the individual specifications in our first report. Against each specification we scored it as 'Met', 'Partially met', 'Not met' or 'Not enough information'. From this, we were able to score each of our priorities and sub-themes...

Read our analysis

You can read our full report, which we submitted to the developers as part of the public consultation.

During this consultation we also attended a number of community engagement events as individuals, residents and on behalf of Prestwich Environmental Forum.

Planning application

Developer MUSE submitted their first planning application on 22/01/24.

The application has since been approved.

This is a ‘Hybrid Application’ comprising of:

> Demolition of the existing Precinct

> Phase 1 Full Planning Application (full details on buildings, materials, etc)

> Phase 2 Outline Planning Application (a rough outline only at this stage, a fuller application to follow at a later date).

Phase 1 includes a new Car-park off Fairfax Road and a village centre comprising of a Community Hub, a Retail Hub, a Market Hall and a Village Square as well as walkways.

Phase 2 will include residential plots.

Our summary

The planning portal includes over 100 supporting documents.

With the time given, there was simply too much information to review & summarise it all. But we pulled out a few highlights which might be of interest.

We put together a few sides to show some key images of the proposed new buildings, village square and the plan for planting, trees and drainage across the site. We also pulled out a few key points from some of the environmental documents.

Encouraging comments

For us, it was important that residents submitted their thoughts on the proposals, so we asked our members to respond to the planning consultation.

We didn't want to tell people what to think, but tried our best to pull out some of the environmental highlights to consider when imagining the future of Prestwich village.

Ongoing engagement

We continue in our work to engage with the regeneration project. We'll be looking out for new documents released and tracking progress from an environmental perspective. We'll be sure to keep our members updated.

We are currently engaging in a number of ways:

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We have periodically met with the joint venture (MUSE and the Council) to discuss our work and environmental aspects of the regeneration.

We'll continue this going forward.

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Prestwich Village Neighbourhood Forum

PEF is represented on the steering group for PVNF.

We feed in our work around the village regeneration and support the group to ensure that the environment and community voices are central to the development of Prestwich as a whole.

Find out more...

Get in touch if you have any queries, want more info or want to help us in this project...